Seasonal Checks and Maintenance That You Should Know

Seasonal Checks and Maintenance That You Should Know

Unless you live in an extreme climate, our indoor comfort isn’t really that much of an issue – of course, we can all moan about the cold or the heat, but typically, it’s not life threatening. More often than not, a problem with a heating or cooling system is an inconvenience, although admittedly, it feels much more than that when it first goes wrong.


Depending on the season, we will be using our heating or cooling system daily, but if they are separate systems, this could mean quite a long period of inactivity for either system. While inactivity means the system itself isn’t actually wearing out or running up energy bills, it also means that things can stick shut, open or inoperative, systems can leak or run dry, rubber items can perish – the list is endless really.

Checking the System

It is always worth giving the inactive system a run occasionally – don’t wait for the weather to turn again, just allow the system to cycle through its phases a couple of times and then shut it off again. This should mean that all the moving parts will remain moveable, that water (or refrigerant) is circulating in the system, it also gives you time to have a repair just in case something has gone wrong since switching off for the season.


Of course, the opposite is also true – when your system is working hard every day, it pays to have regular and scheduled maintenance to keep it efficient and working correctly – the system will last longer but you’ll also keep your energy bills as low as they can be.

Whatever type of system that you have, Ready & Able are the experts in all aspects of installation, repair and maintenance. Call us at 717-963-2034 or contact us online to discuss your requirements.

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