Most Common Plumbing Problems in Summer

The last thing you want to deal with during the months of summer is a plumbing problem. This is the hottest time of the year and you’re certain to rely on your water a great deal. However, dealing with plumbing problems are a part of life and knowing what some of the most common ones are can be helpful to you. At Ready & Able Plumbing, we have the expertise to take care of any plumbing issue you may be facing.

Types of Summer Plumbing Problems

We’ve been making plumbing repairs for years and we know what it takes to repair common problems because we see these on a daily basis. Some of the most frequent ones we see during the summer months are listed below:

    1. Clogged toilets – During the warmer seasons of the year, school is out, and this can contribute to more toilet clogs. Having some kids in the house can mean frequent trips to the bathroom and using too much toilet paper which results in clogs.
    2. Sewer line backups – Summers are typically the time for multiple thunderstorms and heavy rains. Although, these are usual for the warmer months, this can cause problems with your sewer line.
    3. Water sprinkler problems – The time you use your water sprinkler the most is during the summer months. Keeping your lawn watered can contribute to having issues with this system.

Let Us Help!

At Ready & Able, we take pride in having the skills and training to help you get through the summer months while repairing any of your plumbing issues. Simply give us a call today at 717-963-2034 and we’ll schedule an appointment for you!

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