Harrisburg Plumbers Can Help You Handle Water Restrictions

Harrisburg Plumbers Can Help You Handle Water Restrictions

Chapter 119 of the Pennsylvania Civil Code allows for cities such as Harrisburg to impose water restrictions on pressure washing or cleaning businesses. These restrictions are designed to conserve water so that the city does not run into shortages. While most businesses should not have much trouble meeting the Chapter 119 restrictions, New Cumberland, PA plumbers are instrumental in helping homes and businesses alike use their water more efficiently. If you are interested in finding ways to conserve water, call the trustworthy plumbers at Ready & Able Plumbing for a consultation.

Leak Detection

Small leaks in faucets or pipes can be a major source of wasted water. Qualified plumbers can help you detect leaks and seal them up so that you can rest assured you are actually using all the water that is coming into your home. In addition to helping conserve water, detecting leaks can also save money by reducing your water bill. It is a good idea to call a professional to help with leak detection, because they have the tools and techniques to find leaks that are hidden in walls or floors.

Low Flow Installation

Low flow faucets and efficiency appliances are another great way to conserve water. Low flow faucets take the place of your existing faucets. They put out less water over a greater area, performing the same function as standard faucets while using only a fraction of the water. Efficiency appliances like washing machines and dishwashers do the same for clothes and plates.

Water Waste Detection

A plumber can also help you find out where you are wasting water. By analyzing the water usage of your home or business, plumbers can pinpoint where your water is going and work out steps you can take to minimize water waste.

To find out how you can do your part to help conserve water in Harrisburg, call the plumbers with Ready & Able Plumbing at 717-963-2034 today.

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